Saturday, 11 July 2015

Peak of Perfection

My garden is currently at its peak. I've had to adjust the expectations I have from my Devonian Childhood, where in May and June the verges, hedges and woods billow with verdant, fresh growth and flowers abound. This richness comes to Scotland later, but come it does. Now in July, my garden shows everything I hope for - movement, airy foliage and white flowers.

Here we have the Gilenia Trifoliate, the steely green Hebe and the white Achillea behind. This combination works well and I would love to have more umbellifers (one for the future).
Here we have a white Foxglove which is a new obsession following last years' Sutton's Pride and the pink Foxgloves my neighbour has. This is surrounded by a fluffy white flowered Hebe, my thuggish but fragrant Jasmine and the sensible Pittospormum.
This year the Ferns and Campanula growing through the fence have been joyous - stolen, unplanned and making my urban jungle even more lush.
This white Hydrangea has filled a barren corner and lit the whole border up. When I was young we had bright pink and blue Hydrangeas in the front garden and I haven't always been a fan. Maybe it's nostalgia, maybe it's because they are fashionable and maybe it's because they are beautiful - I want more. So I may get another white one and when my front garden is re-done I am looking for some hot and garish additions.
And just to finish, the Foxglove again with those foxy, freckled flowers.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Spring Display

Like the white tulips, the red ones and the white and yellow daft have been really excellent. It's starting to wane now but I think I like the blousy openness we're seeing here just as much. With gardening you have to love the fade and the decay as much as the lush newness, although it's not always easy.

My new screen-saver

I googled cat ninja and found an obscenely large number of potential images to use. I chose this and am very attached already!

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Tulipa Glory

They may only be present for a short period but these white tulips are cool perfection. My tulips have been excellent this year, probably because I did it properly - brand new bulbs planted in pots just for this year. I'll need to remind myself of that later this year when the time comes to do it again.

Friday, 2 January 2015

New Year's Resolutions?

Reading newspapers, blogs and websites today you might think that setting New Years resolution was a pernicious and evil act that can only result in damaged self esteem and apocalyptic disaster. Well I beg to differ.

As confirmed dreamer and planner, I've always found that listing and recording the things I want to change is a positive step that helps me focus on priorities. Having it written down also allows me to assess whether I'm being over the top and unreasonable with myself.

So I'm going to ignore the media (as usual) and set myself 3 resolutions - with hope, confidence in my ability to grow and change and also understanding that I'm a human who doesn't always get it right.

1) There's no room for intolerance or cruelty
I will not harbour any negative emotions toward anyone I have never met, I will not waste energy criticising others and I will be kind to myself. 

2) If I want to be athletic and healthy, I can be
I'll focus on my health and fitness, not because there is anything wrong with me now but because I want to be and if I want to be then I can. A healthy body will provide the best conditions for a healthy mind.

3) I will not regret but I will live my passions
While I may not be the most skilled, I love my hobbies. I am a musician, a gardener and a writer and these are good passions. I will make time for these because they make me happy.

Happy 2015.