My garden is currently at its peak. I've had to adjust the expectations I have from my Devonian Childhood, where in May and June the verges, hedges and woods billow with verdant, fresh growth and flowers abound. This richness comes to Scotland later, but come it does. Now in July, my garden shows everything I hope for - movement, airy foliage and white flowers.
Here we have the Gilenia Trifoliate, the steely green Hebe and the white Achillea behind. This combination works well and I would love to have more umbellifers (one for the future).
Here we have a white Foxglove which is a new obsession following last years' Sutton's Pride and the pink Foxgloves my neighbour has. This is surrounded by a fluffy white flowered Hebe, my thuggish but fragrant Jasmine and the sensible Pittospormum.
This year the Ferns and Campanula growing through the fence have been joyous - stolen, unplanned and making my urban jungle even more lush.
This white Hydrangea has filled a barren corner and lit the whole border up. When I was young we had bright pink and blue Hydrangeas in the front garden and I haven't always been a fan. Maybe it's nostalgia, maybe it's because they are fashionable and maybe it's because they are beautiful - I want more. So I may get another white one and when my front garden is re-done I am looking for some hot and garish additions.
And just to finish, the Foxglove again with those foxy, freckled flowers.
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