As with most of the UK, Edinburgh has experienced a warm and wet spring with limited sunshine. The results of this are pretty lush - the fern-like skirts of this acer sweep down to obscure the mossy soil and remind me why I have it. The waning bluebell peers out - the only one I've managed to keep alive!
In many post-apocalyptic visions the work has been over-run by cannibalistic climbers and I'd have to nominate clematis for a role in my vision. I think it would be rather beautiful, if a little eerie. This particular clematis is omni-present in Edinburgh at this time of year and must really like the conditions. I'm considering a late summer clematis for the back garden as the honeysuckle hasn't really taken off the way I'd hoped. My raised beds and thick planting will provide clematis with the damp feet they need to do well.
I've also realised a dream finally, of water in my garden. Jamie and I have created the smallest water feature below and it's a small thing but quite lovely. We simply lined a dark terracotta pot with pond liner (and I have metres of the stuff left if any is required) and planted it up with 2 water plants and a lot of gravel. A few days later and the water has cleared and the plants have revived. I'm hoping it will also provide sustenance for wild creatures without enticing them to a cat-based deathas.
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