Sunday, 4 November 2012

Woken by the Light

This morning at half eight I was woken by the sunshine seeping through the curtains, and feeling this is going to become an unusual occurrence, I manoeuvred myself out from under the snoring cat and put my wellies on.

The lavender continues unabated and even in the cold air I could smell its wonderful scent. Today the antiseptic notes are pre-dominating, perhaps as an effect of the cold air or my only shortly-awakened nostrils.
This clematis has been a confusing member of my garden menagerie up to now. In the first year it flowered in the spring with pale lilac flowers and last year it flowered in the late summers with maroon flowers. This is particularly trying as the pruning instructions for clematis vary considerably whether they are early or late flowering. As it has flowered late again this year, I have decided it must be a Viticella and I will be pruning it this year. Once the flowers have stopped of course.
 One plant that is relishing the season is the jasmine, who has decided to transform herself into a morass of twining stems punctuated in places by pink buds and little white flowers. Nice to see a plant patently enjoying herself and glorying in the season!

A picture of my not very attractive fence (must paint that next year as that brown is heinous). The reason for this shot is the light streaming through the trellis fence and the yellowing foliage of the Asiatic lily. You can see how low the light is.

There's that fence again. And my Eucalyptus in front of the neighbours tree which is really just a frame for Clematis (you're not actually seeing any leaves that belong to that tree).

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