Thursday, 27 September 2012

You can start to see the colours change

So, for all those lavender obsessives out there, here are some shots of September lavender. The bees are still making the most of the flowers and I am slowly clipping them off to dry indoors. The lavender has bucked the trend this year and still delivered scent, greyish and graceful foliage and lovely spires of flowers. Yes, I am a member of Lavender Anonymous.

Like much of Britain, we've had some rather rough storms over the last few days and several of the plants look like they've had a buffeting. I popped out at the back this morning with my coffee and found the Eucalyptus had fallen over but luckily potted trees are easy to right so we're back on the vertical again.

 I bought several plants in hot colours for the front garden earlier this year without paying an awful lot of attention. This one has now flowered but I'm not really sure what it is. I tried to brighten up the front with Sweet Williams and Pansies for a last ditch attempt at colour before winter. They are still hanging in there but are looking rather bedraggled.
So after all the failures with the carefully chosen and raised from seed sweet peas, there has been success! M&S's sweet pea hanging basket which was my birthday present from Laura in June and planted in a frankly slap dash manner. Some pastel beauties livening up the front window. I may need to do a whole post on them. Reader - you understand their significance.

 Just had to unfurl the clematis from the other side of the wall. As you'd imagine, rather shaken by the gales.
As is the prairie grass who has moved from 'summer's hazy blue-ish tone to a more yellowy shade.

The Jasmine seems to have survived well though and is looking lovely lit by the sunshine. I took this photo half an hour ago and the sunlight is already gone and the skies are pressing down on us again.

Here is the lush back bed demonstrating perfectly that change through the colour spectrum that we are seeing everywhere just now.

And finally here is the righted Eucalyptus enjoying the brief, thin sunlight.

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