Thursday, 26 April 2012

April Showers

The gorgeous cross-hatched fritillaries have now gone over - is this seed? I rather like the way they have gone from low hanging heads to reaching for the skies, perhaps to get a wider range to seed. If this were humans that would be yuck but for plants it's okay.

Update from the front garden which is more work in progress than actual garden. As you can see the clematis over the front wall is doing beautifully and twining around itself to reach for the skies. I think it's liking the wet weather and maybe the mulch from a few weeks ago. Despite the sweet peas being planted out around 6 weeks early they are doing fine - next year they'll be more on time and I might fashion a cold frame. The middle patch of soul has been gratefully utilised by the local cats - need to get ground cover plants and fill that space. Still waiting for signs of life from the crocosmias and iris though.
Any idea what this is? These seedlings appeared in the tray that I sowed my own Delphinium seed in - only 3 and they look nothing like my adult Ds. Mystery! Let's see what becomes of them!
Isn't this perfect? I can't understand how I have lived without Anenome de Caen for this long. I can even forgive that rogue red flower in my white, blue and purple colour scheme. The flowers are so shy, looking downwards coyly to hide their beauty from the rapacious. Next year my whole garden will be Anenomes.

So here is the lesson why boring plants are good. The sensible Hebe that I bought to give structure and winter interest is actually impressing me - tiny white flowers and small leaves mean it fits in with my aesthetic and it mimics box. And look how good it looks with that new thyme.
The garden is bittersweet this week. Having had a personal disappointment I am re-evaluating what my priorities are and contemplating a new direction. I think a lot of this process would have been easier with good weather and soil between my fingers but the weather he say - Stay inside this is my time.

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