Tuesday, 6 March 2012

I love wellies. That might be an odd sentiment to be expressed at around 8pm but when you consider the wind currently buffeting my window frames it's entirely correct.
I used to sneer at wellies in the city and the some degree I still don't think they are appropriate for a jaunt or shopping with lady friends but they have definite value for other activities. Poddling about my garden of an afternoon there is nothing better than having warm feet encased in comfortable and shocking pink rubber. Buckets can be spilt, soil dropped and snails crunched (sorry but it's true) without that creeping sensation of cold seeping across your foot - might just be cold but you always feel it could be some unpleasant liquid. And maybe it isn't true but I feel I bounce across my deck and paving in them.
The reason I am musing on wellies is that tonight I just can't get warm. Having had a bath and eaten I am swiftly coming to the inescapable conclusion that bed is the only option. When I'm wearing the wellies my feet are always warm and dry whatever the chilly conditions are.

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