Today might have been our summer! The thick Haar of yesterday was nowhere to be seen as we awoke to clear skies and balmy temperatures. I had a very productive couple of hours sowing seeds. I pricked out some of the poppy seeds which was a massive faff so I only did about a third of them. I also sowed a tray of white cosmos to fill the vacant space in the propagator. In the longest raised bed I sowed pockets of Cornflowers - hopefully I won't accidentally dig them up before I know they are there. I also sowed a window trough, the large plastic pot and a line in the bed of mixed salad, with my intention being to fill the space in the middle of the pot with Beetroot later in the year. I also planted out my sweet peas - Dancing Queen at the back and Lovejoy at the front.
Some of the shoots coming up from below are really freaky looking - the mind boggles when looking at this one, I think it's the Crambe Cordifolia.
It's a really exciting time of year with the promise of what will come and unlike the last 2 springs which followed on from harsh winters, the garden hasn't taken so much of a beating this year and most things appear to be coming back. The spring flowers have also worked a series really well - the crocuses led to narcissi which are now followed by snake's head frittillaries which are now my favourites - look at the pendulous head, the delicate leaves and the cross-hatching on the petals..
I'm definitely a not winter person, I understand that we need it and can appreciate the beauty of a lovely winter's day but I need to be able to be outside and feel the air on my skin to be truly content. The lighter days lift my soul and I feel I can accomplish so much more.